Saturday, July 15, 2006

The Joys of Working!

At last! After two months of interviews, taking the investments funds of Canada course, and constant uncertainty, I have a job at the bank. This brings me from being completely useless for 5 months to being way too busy again. It is nice to have a paycheck of course, I do want move out of my parents house one day!

There are some drawbacks however. Getting up at 6am every morning and not getting home until 9pm some days is hard to get used to. The worst part though, is Calgary Transit! I spend at least 3 hours on the train, on the bus, or waiting for either every day of the week! Something about being crammed into a hot, sweaty, horrible smelling vehicle next to some farting, loud, fat guy or a small army of obnoxious, restless teenagers just doesn't seem enjoyable me.

Oh well, I shouldn’t complain too much. At least I’m meeting some new people I actually don’t mind and learning the ins and outs of money and investments will come in handy one day. Thanks for reading; I promise my next post will be more entertaining (because it won’t be about work!)


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