Sunday, July 16, 2006

Multiple Aliases

Most of you who know me refer to me as “Billy” or “Billy Snugs” if you knew me back in Junior High. What some of you might not know is that I have had many names in the past for predictably wacky behavior among different groups. For this entry, I will sum up some of my more memorable names and how they originated for your enjoyment at my expense.

First of all, the name Billy Snugs started as just Billy. The funny thing about this is that the same individual gave me both names. I think it was grade 9 when I first met the cocky and self-serving Justin Zack that some of you may remember. He thought that if I were bald, I would look like Billy Korgan of the Smashing Pumpkins. Billy Korgan! I don’t look anything like him! Anyway, my friends decided to call me this because they knew how much it pissed me off (Jerks). The add-on “Snugs” was only used by Justin and it was all because of that ridiculous gym class called “Stuntnastics”. Because we had to, you know, be in weird positions and such, I had no choice but to wear Tighty Whities. So after class, in the change room one day he notices this and declares me “Billy Snugs” and everyone laughs. To this day, most people still call me Billy. I guess you could say Justin left his mark. Don’t worry though; Justin got his when I tripped him, causing him to flip in the air 3 times during a soccer game, HA!

Some of you may also remember Jonathan or “Johno” as we sometimes called him from High School. He liked to call me “One-Colored Shirt Boy” as I recall (real original). I guess my wardrobe was kind of boring at the time. I really didn’t mind it though, probably because he was the only one who ever called me that. Regardless, I gave him a friendly body slam into a locker the first time he said it (Good times). I guess some people never learn.

One of my first nicknames was “The Professor” which was given to me by my sometimes goofy, at other times Intimadating Tae Kwon-Do instructor Dana Johnson. Unlike the others however, this name was actually a compliment! Back in the day, I had quite the memory you see, and could recite just about any theory I was expected to know on the spot, and in unnecessary detail. Hence the name “The Professor” was born. Also unlike the other scenarios, if I had a problem with the name, there was nothing I could do about it because Dana could have kicked my ass had I given him due cause! This particular name didn’t last very long though. Since Billy was clearly the popular choice among many of my friends in the same TKD class at the time.

And finally there’s “CRASH” my favorite nick name! It makes me feel like the star of my own hit TV show. The greatest part of this is that I actually did something to deserve it this time. Me and my old friend Leo went camping with his family and their friends one week during the summer and had an awesome time! We dammed a river, climbed small mountains, went fishing and drank a lot during the evenings around a massive campfire. I personally got swept half a mile down a river at night looking for a place to urinate, almost blew up a trailer, burnt my shoes near the camp fire, learned how to do a shot, and of course I crashed a quad into a tree next to an open field! To this day I don’t know how I managed that. I was sober, going real slow, and had not one but two sets of brakes. Oh well =), that’s all in the past now.

I have also been called Ned Flanders, Bitter Boy, Mr. Anderson, and many others that I’ll explain at another time. But for now I will leave you with this thought: Who else could possibly go by this many names? The answer: Historic Figures, Memorable Actors, and Super Hero’s. As such it is fitting that I would have so many names because in many ways I am a historic, memorable, hero (Even if the vast majority of people don’t yet realize it). Not that I am bragging or anything, but this forum is entitled “The Stories of a Great Man” and I have to live up to my own hype.

Thanks for reading folks. Come back again soon so you don’t miss out on my next great story!


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