Monday, August 28, 2006

The Bank is a Bitch!

**Warning, this post was made for the purpose of venting, please disregard if you don’t want to hear it**

I have had the strangest experience with the bank I was working at these last couple of months. Everything was going great up until about a week ago, or so I thought. I was given an ultimatum in my last review with my supervisor. The idea was that I had to demonstrate mastery of the “technical skills” for the job only half way through my training! This is strange though because it just came out of the blue, for no apparent reason at the time. I felt like I had been blindsided, especially since the previous review had gone so well and I thought I was on the right track.

You could think of it as a bad date that seemed to be going well until your partner suddenly throws a giant curve ball your way that tests your commitment and could make or break the relationship. It is as if we were both talking, laughing, having a good time and then suddenly the tone changed and I was told I'm not "producing" enough half way through the first date! But not in a good, I'm just kidding sort of way. Oh no, the bank never makes anything easy. The bank is like a women who seems poised and self-assured at first and then suddenly turns into a loud, crazy, unreasonable, PMSing lunatic who doesn’t know what she wants but somehow is convinced that it’s your fault! (No offensive intended to my lovely and charming female readers) But for once I did nothing to provoke this. No awkward comments, no offensive language, I talked the talked and walked the walked just the way I was asked. I even put in extra hours and waited for this “date” to be set up for 2 months without pay or any guarantee that it would ever happen.

That’s right, I was in waiting to start training for 2 months without pay, and took/paid for the Investment funds of Canada course on my own time, now that’s opportunity cost. Think of all the jobs I could have applied for in that time. In my earlier analogy, this would be the equivalent of me buying a new suit for this date and waiting in the living room while she (the bank) was in the bathroom and taking a reallllyyyy long shower while I was forced to talk with the parents (the HR department).

Anyway, when I was given this unreasonable ultimatum I decided to walk. I was already commuting 3 hours a day, volunteering for small projects and putting in unpaid overtime and so I decided I could do better “The old Its not you, its me speech basically, Bah Haha!” Serves her right!

The only conceivable reason for the sudden change in the banks priorities must be outside pressure I figure. They must have needed me out so that they could get other trainees in because I thought I was learning pretty fast, all things considered. So I am once again unemployed and looking for work, but fret not, I am Billy S after all! I’ve survived much worse and I’m stronger for it. This was merely a failed attempt at greater things and I will bounce back.

Thanks for reading, I know this wasn’t a particularly inspiring post, but I figured I had to post something this month. By the way, I’ve adjusted my settings so that anyone can post comments now.


Blogger Idea Senator said...

It was interesting to read how you equated the bank to women...interesting!

8:58 a.m.  
Blogger Steve said...

Ah, the working world....
Where you heading to next Billy?

11:32 p.m.  

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