Sunday, June 18, 2006


Well, here it is at last! A place where I can share my exploits and dealings in print so that one day I will have a documented history to share with the world. Soon everyone will know the name BILLY! Even though my real name is Chris... oh well, that's a story for another time.

For my first entry on this blog, I have decided to tell you the story of my life (The condensed version). A sad story really, about a boy who became a man in a world that just wasn't ready for his genius. A world were people would judge and misinterpret his words/actions rather than take the time to appreciate the "hidden wisdom" therein.

It started around grade 7 I think. I remember meeting many of my best friends that year. We would watch movies, play floor hockey, or get into trouble about every second day at someones house. It was great fun, and because we were all so immature at the time, the wierd things I'd say and do were counted as humor and therfore I was accepted by the group.

But, as the years went on and we had to start going to post-secondary or become "productive members of society" people would count me as odd or just try to ignore me. This infuriates me because I love attention when I'm trying to say something funny or important. Rather than conform to normal, and therfore boring behavior; I decided to become louder and say more ridiculous things! Some intentional, others not, but most of these things stick with me for life. Examples: "Where's your old boyfriend?", "I want two large lovers for $2.99", or "My waterdish is empty", etc..

This was a BIG mistake on my part because now everyone expects me to act this way and I can't remember how to make normal conversation anymore! People just say, "Billys at it again!" or "Just ignore that silly Billy!" It's embarrasing! And I do have feelings you know! Sure, people invite me along, hoping I'll say something memorable, but sometimes I get sick of the expectation. To make matters worse, you people will often twist my words to your own ends and then declare such lies as fact! Things like "Stroking a cat" or "I don't like girls from about 14-20" are taken to new, sick levels that further besmirch my name.

So you see, I'm just misunderstood! Now that you know this, you should treat me as the wonderful, funny, sexy, strong, well spoken, deep voiced, deadly, intelligent, multi-talented, cunning, stealthy, slick, powerful, charming, awe inspiring, successful, humble, and incredible person that I am! Becuase one day, probably due to this misunderstanding, I will probably snap and go on some kind of quest for vengence! You will probably want to be on my good side when that happens.

Anyway, thanks for visiting my blog friends! I will post here as often as I can so come back often! If you desire any topic or need something explained, don't hesitate to ask! I like attention remember.

P.S. sorry about any spelling mistakes I may have made,for some reason the spell checker on this thing isn't working right now.