Sunday, January 21, 2007

Argyle Nights!

Wow! It has been a wild holiday, and a very long time since I have posted anything! I apologize to all my loyal fans who may think that I have abandoned them forever like my sensibilities abandoned me in social settings so long ago! But fear not, I have returned and I will make it up to you in due time! But for now, I have a very special tale to tell, the tale of group like no other, a group that stands out above the rest and triumphs no matter what the odds. No I'm not talking about the A-Team, I'm talking about the Prestigious Argyle Knights (That's not our official name, I just needed a temporary title for the two Jeff’s, Steve, and Myself)!

If I recall correctly, it was Steve's suggestion some time ago that our group get a uniform. But it was difficult to pick a style that offered uniformity yet individually, high-style and humility, charm with wit, boldness with subtlety and of course brilliance and manliness. There was also the need to avoid attention from the authorities so our first idea (Commando gear) just wouldn't cut it for anything other than stealth. So we eventually found Argyle, a style whose time has finally come to represent something other than old men at the golfing course, 1920's gangsters, or British Rally Car drivers (this I'll explain later).

I'll admit, it took a few mishaps and disappointments to find all the right pieces; luckily we eventually went to R&W whose selection was good enough so that we could all find what we needed in one place. Now that we had our super cool outfits, we were ready to hit the town! Or least Earl's near South Center to start.

After getting some interesting comments from the people in the parking lot, we entered the establishment not knowing what to expect. Despite some initial laughter, we confidently entered Earls single file through the entire lounge area until we found a nice spot in the back near a table of girls. It was clear that many heads were turned and many a discussion had ensued do to our arrival, which was great, we wanted a reaction! The problem was, we were so excited about our outfits that we neglected to make a back-story! We really dropped the ball when the first waitress (They all came to us one by one) asked us about the outfits. We were all suddenly stunned, it felt like 5 min. of the most awkward silence imaginable (I should know, I’ve caused many), when Marathon eventually mumbled "Ah Life, because of Life." the waitress looked puzzled and then we changed our story to coincidence. What!? That's not us! Usually we are as smooth as a babies bottom, especially with lies! Despite our complete lack of preparedness, we still managed to charm the waitress into liking us (They actually said they had crushes on us, this is not speculation).

Then, near the end of the dinner, we encountered a gentleman from another table who asked us if we were British rally car drivers! We told him we were going to the casino later, better than "Life" I guess. After some expensive food and arguing about the tip, we left disappointed yet impressed with ourselves. It was a great learning experience, a first run if you will that went well despite our setbacks. We than resolved to try this again at Moxies and other restaurants so that we will eventually become known around the city as the classy guys in Argyle who always tip well and right "Thank you for the Gorgeous Time" on the receipt (We regrettably forgot to this the first time.)

We then took some awesome pictures in the parking lot that you can view from face book and proceeded to go about our usual routine. But that is story for another time…

Wow, I'm really tired all of a sudden, that was a long post, and my typing skills have become sloppy! In my next entry, which will be soon I promise, I will tell you of our second adventure and speculate as to the future of our group.

Thanks for reading, Tricycle out.